Printed magazines are dead. It’s a claim I hear all the time from anyone under 30. It’s time for the print magazine industry to get its affairs in order and say its goodbyes, they say. It’s terminal. That’s not 100 per cent true, at least not for all magazines. People…
Category: Publishing

Banana Shire Council Adopts Annual Report for 2022-23 Financial Year
12th December 2023 Banana Shire Council has adopted its annual report for the 22/23 Financial Year, detailing an end-of-year financial position of no debt, an operational surplus of over 21 million dollars, and cash holdings of close to 58 million dollars, putting the Council in a financially sustainable position. Council’s…

How to Create an Annual Report that Gets Read
Create a document that doesn’t end up in boxes under someone’s desk. An impactful annual report involves planning, dedication, and attention to detail. An annual report encapsulates a year’s worth of hard work, milestones, and successes, serving as a crucial representation of an organisation’s journey. Here’s an expanded take on…

How to Make Better Newsletters Through Effective Design and Professional Editing
Just because something has always been done in a certain way doesn’t mean it should stay that way, especially when it comes to communication channels like newsletters.